The overall goal of the project is to contribute to poverty reduction among vulnerable rural communities through sustainable empowerment where the focus is on quality public services, sanitation, and hygiene as well as active citizenship in Chitipa district.

Project outcomes

  • Women, children, people living with HIV and AIDS and the physically challenged receive health care in accessible functioning health facilities;
  • Children have improved access to quality education;
  • Community has increased income levels through increased access to economic opportunities, including profitable markets;
  • Community accessing and using potable water from reduced distances.

In the process of achieving the project outcomes, we also intend to address the following intermediate outcomes:

  • Community health structures active and ensuring community’s health needs realised
  • Community has increased access to quality health services
  • Community structures are active and supporting schools
  • Ministry of Education, Science and Technology provides adequate teachers and materials to schools as needed
  • Girl children regularly attend classes with supportive menstrual hygiene management facilities
  • Children are attending classes, learning and actively contributing to the management of their schools
  • Teachers attendance and performance improved
  • Community makes profits and reinvest in their businesses
  • Farmers operate sustainable agribusinesses that are more resilient to climatic hazards
  • Community accessing safe drinking water
  • Council provides safe drinking water to deprived communities
  • Community structures sustainably managing water points