Last week, Church and Society Programme of the Synod of Livingstonia added our voices to the growing number of Malawians concerned about the misuse of public funds dedicated to fighting COVID-19.

Response to Presidential Address

We are heartened to have seen action from government and welcome measures announced by President Dr Lazarus M. Chakwera during his address on Sunday 14th February 2021. These are important first steps to safeguarding vital funds at a time of national difficulty.

In particular we would like to note:

  1. We welcome action because rhetoric alone changes nothing. The President promised a swift response and this week has shown positive steps in the right direction.
  2. We welcome the suspension of those who have failed to give account for the public funds entrusted to them. Furthermore, we want to see those guilty of illegal acts brought to justice and funds recovered for the people of Malawi.
  3. We welcome the addition of civil society and watchdog body representatives to the COVID-19 taskforces. These long-overdue additions will provide insight not only into the pandemic response but experience in championing public accountability.
  4. For corruption to be rooted out, all responsible bodies must act decisively. It is not a fight for one branch of government alone. We have seen that this week in the response of the Office of the Ombudsman, Director of Public Prosecutions and the National Audit Office. We trust, in time, that other duty bearers will play their part and that collectively they will bring those accountable to justice. Had the warnings of the Office of the Ombudsman’s November report been heeded earlier this action might have come sooner, protecting vital funds.
  5. This is not simply the result of the actions of a handful of individuals, this abuse of public resources was widespread. This tells us that the system and culture are also corrupt and that in particular, the custom of taking allowances is open to abuse. We call on the President, Government and responsible parties to act to close these loopholes that facilitate abuse of funds.

Impact of Corruption in Malawi

The plunder of resources meant for the purchase of protective equipment and medical supplies brings home the true cost of corruption. This exploitation has plagued our country for a long time. It robs us not only of our resources but of opportunities to develop our economy, strengthen our vital services and to lift our most vulnerable citizens out of poverty. May the actions we’ve seen this week be the beginning of a new chapter for our country.

We continue to monitor this ongoing situation and to collaborate in the ongoing fight against corruption in our country.

Moses Washington Mkandawire
Church and Society Programme
Executive Director

Issued 15 February 2021

Categories: News