Self Help Group Approach

Since 1st March, 2014, Church and Society Programme, with funding from KNH through the facilitation of Deloitte, has been implementing an empowerment project using Self Help Group Approach (SHGA) in the area of Chief Principal Group Village Headman Jalira and other surrounding areas that include Chanyoli, Bowe and Matunkha in Traditional Authority Chikulamayembe, Rumphi district. Locally, the project is known as “Jovwira”, which is synonymous with self-help. The project is in its fourth year 0f Read more…

Community Action Against Poverty

The overall goal of the project is to contribute to poverty reduction among vulnerable rural communities through sustainable empowerment where the focus is on quality public services, sanitation, and hygiene as well as active citizenship in Chitipa district. Project outcomes Women, children, people living with HIV and AIDS and the physically challenged receive health care in accessible functioning health facilities; Children have improved access to quality education; Community has increased income levels through increased access Read more…

Tackling Trafficking and Gender-Based Violence

The legal team of CSP carries out a number of targeted activities to tackle gender-based violence and trafficking and to support survivors. Mzuzu Central Hospital one-stop centre CSP’s legal team provides counseling support and acts as a referral centre for the one-stop centre at Mzuzu Central Hospital. The services are aimed at offering support and access to justice to victims of gender-based violence. Mircoloans for GBV survivors to help build financial independence Women who experience Read more…

Promoting Women’s Political Participation

Church and Society are part of the 50:50 Campaign which aims to: We continuously aim at increasing representation of women in positions of leadership and decision making in many key institutions, for instance, political parties, cabinet, parliament and local councils. 50:50 Campaign Malawi As one of the main northern partners for the 50:50 campaign, CSP is engaging communities to encourage support for female political aspirants. This project contributes to the following Global Goals:

Child Centred Community Development

Working in the Mzimba district of Malawi, the core aim of this project is to To contribute to the promotion of child well being by ensuring that children grow up healthy in a safe environment where they can learn and develop their capacities in order to meaningfully participate in community life. The project is being implemented in three areas, namely: Malidade, Mnyanjagha and Thunduwike in T/A Mpherembe. With 4,178 households, 13 primary schools, 2 community Read more…

United Against Serious and Organised Corruption

Church and Society is part of a consortium of civil society organisations working together to tackle corruption and encourage transparency in Malawi’s public institutions. We will be sharing our expertise in advocacy to help strengthen the voices of those who are trying to speak out against corruption. The fair and effective use of Malawi’s resources, particularly finances, is vital if we are to continue to develop as a nation. Our partners in this movement are Read more…